Obtaining pre-settlement funding has become more commonplace, but you cannot get a cash advance directly from your attorney. Most state bar associations prohibit this. It is unethical for an attorney to provide a client with money to support an unresolved case. If...
Legal funding is now the fastest growing trend in the legal community. In 2016, 28% of law firms used litigation finance while 36% of firms did in 2017. By comparison, only 7% of law firms used lawsuit funding in 2013. Litigation funding, according to the New Yorker,...
A cash advance on a pending lawsuit enables you to receive funding even though the case is still ongoing. Otherwise, you may be pressured to settle early. This would mean a smaller settlement that’s just enough to pay off some debt, not compensate for your injuries...
A slip and fall can cause injuries that result in thousands of dollars in medical bills, including emergency treatment, diagnostic testing, surgery, medications, physical therapy, and other costs. If you’ve been struggling to make ends meet, such expenses can make it...
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